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01-14-09 Special Meeting

Minutes of the special meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 in the Meeting Room of the C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30

PRESENT:  William Rodgers, Jan Brooks, John Aurelia, Patricia Llodra, Joseph Hemingway, Francis Pennarola. Joseph DiCandido, Jeff Capeci, Daniel Amaral, Po Murray
ABSENT:  Gary Davis

ALSO PRESENT – First Selectman Joseph Borst, Finance Director Robert Tait, Schools Superintendent Dr. Janet Robinson, Schools Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, eight members of the public, one member of the press.

VOTER PARTICIPATION – Ruby Johnson came because she read an article in the newspaper about the capital improvement plan.  She passed out a Kaestle Boos Report done in 1999 which references the Police Department.  This report indicates that a 328% increase in space is needed for the Police Department.  The finance committee has seen fit to reduce the request from the police department.  The police make this town a safe place which causes her to be concerned about them cutting it back.  Portable rooms for classrooms should looked at as classrooms, they should be bonded, not in the operational budget.  Open space has been reduced and it is her understanding it wasn’t just to stop building houses but also to purchase land for municipal needs.  Planametrics has indicated that the growth will be in the southwest side of town.  This is where the town should be looking at land for a new school.
MINUTES – - This is a special meeting, therefore can not be approved at this time.

COMMUNICATIONS –Chris Lyddy has resigned his seat.  The party has 30 days to pick a replacement and they unanimously choose John Torok.   

COMMITTEE REPORTS – Communications next task on the agenda is to look at the policy language.  There are a couple of communities that have a written policy.  They are going to compile the various policies to come up with their own.   Use of the high school for transmission would be ideal; the current location does not have the technology at this time.  

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT – Rich Orten passed away this week.  He has worked for the Pubic Works Department for over 30 years.  On Tuesday the Budget has been put on the Town’s website.  At the last meeting the Board of Selectmen approved the purchase of the Ron Mason Property on Walnut Tree Hill.  The property is eight acres for a cost of $280,000.   Yesterday, Mr. Tait, Ms. Stocker and Mr. Borst went to Moody’s to convince them that the bond rating should be increased from AA2 to AA1.  They were impressed with the presentation that Mr. Tait put together.  An answer is expected from Moody’s next week.  Mr. Rodgers has an appraisal for the property on Walnut Tree Hill that will go out to members before the next meeting.  Rob Sibley has worked to get the town a $15,000 grant to find open space available in town.  

Ms. Murray asked if the selectman plan to take action after the public hearing for the Woodbury Hall lease.  Mr. Borst replied that it is on the agenda for next Tuesday.


Discussion concerning expenses for maintenance of municipal and school facilities. – Item Tabled


Capital Improvement Plan as approved by the Board of Finance – Mr. Rodgers went over the process of the CIP.  Mr. DiCandido reported the actions taken by the Legislative Councils finance sub committee.

The following recommendations were unanimously agreed on:   Take $1,000,000 from open space the present year and all subsequent years.   In the 2009-2010 year, remove Dickenson Infrastructure Renovations of $620,000, add Parks & Recreations Maintenance Facility Renovations of $350,000 and move Police Radio Enhancements and Temporary Module Classrooms from Bonding to General Fund.   In years 2010-2011, add in the Dickenson Infrastructure Renovations of $620,000 and Reduce New Recreation Center (Phase 1) from $4,000,0000 to $3,380,000.  The rational was why leave the debt to our children and grandchildren.  

John Kortze articulated that the CIP was never intended to be a strategic plan, it is a spending plan.  The Board of Finance is very concerned about the upcoming budget due to the economic situation.  They feel that this budget at best should be flat.  At least 5 members of the board thought they should come in 95% of last years.  Even at zero percent and a loss of revenue, taxes would have to be raised.  The money for open space in next year’s budget has been earmarked and can not be taken out of the budget.  When it comes to open space not only can we buy more now, but it is also important to conservation.  Moving the police radios and the temporary modular classrooms to the operational budget will make it impossible to keep a flat budget.  Salaries are also an issue.  If they can’t get any accommodations then it is going to have to happen in people.    We don’t have to bond for 20 years.  Bonding can occur for the lifespan of the capital item.  It would be their recommendation to bond for 7 to 10 years which is the life span of the radios.  It is the Board of Finance’s recommendation to handle the bonding similar to the radios.  There may be a need for the portables for a longer time than the 2 years that they are needed.  They do have a longer, useful lifespan.  

Ms. Llodra questioned why the Park & Recreation Maintenance Facility has been moved up as opposed to the Dickenson Renovation.  The reduction of the Recreation Facility was done because bringing the facility up to code and safety per OSHA would cost $350,000.  Park & Recreation has not been informed of these changes and are not present for clarification.

Kathy Fetchick, 18 Clapboard Ridge Road expressed the need for portables in the coming years until the addition at the high school is completed.  Putting that in the operation budget would make it very difficult to keep a flat budget.  Mr. Kortze’s suggestion of shorter bonding is a good idea.

Dr. Robinson articulated the life of the modulars is about 10 to 15 years.  They are on reserve and will be until March.  They are used and in good shape.  Other areas of use could be an orphan preschool that is state mandated.  The cost is for the installation of the portables, such as preparing the property and bringing them up to code.  The cost is a one time cost, to move them will be additional.  The lease for these modulars is in the Board of Education’s operational budget.  To purchase the modular’s would be double that of leasing.   Ideally, installation should take place in the spring.  

Mr. DiCandido motioned to remove $1,000,000 from the open space acquisitions starting with the CIP plan 2010-2011 and each subsequent year.  Motion seconded by Mr. Capeci.  Mr. Borst suggested that the economic down turn is an advantage to the town.  Ms. Llodra commented that there is a compelling argument to support open space.  There is a savings plan.  Mr. Pennarola stated that feels the same as Ms. Llodra, it is up to the voters  5 members for the motion and 6 against – motion failed.

Mr. DiCandido motioned to switch the priority of $620,000 for the Dickenson Infrastructure Renovation from 2009-2010 to 2010 to 2011.  Ms. Murray seconded.  Ms. Brookes suggested tabling this until there can be someone to represent Park & Recreation.  Ms. Murray said that Ed Marks wrote to the subcommittee, his letter suggests that it would be ok to put it off a year as long as the full amount will be available next year.  Mr. DiCandido withdrew his motion to Park & Recreation can be represented at the next meeting.  Ms. Murray withdrew the second.

Mr. DiCandido motioned to remove $494,000 for Police Radio’s from 2009-2010 CIP and add to general fund category in the same year.  Motion failed for lack of a second.

Mr. DiCandido motioned to remove $550,000 for modular class rooms from 2009-2010 CIP and add to general fund category in the same year.  Motion failed to lack of second.  

Ms. Murray motioned for the Legislative Council to adopt the motion of the Finance subcommittee to encourage the Board of Selectman to move forward with strategic planning.  Mr. DiCandido seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Debt Management Policy - Tabled

Transfer of $1000 from 01100-1073 (Town Hall Salary Adjustment) to 01140-1002 (Clerical Wages) – No action taken.

Transfer of $35,000 from 01570-2000 (Contingency) to 01432-0000 (Paramedic Program)– Mr. Pennerola motioned to transfer $35,000 from Contingency (01570-2000) to Paramedic Program (01432-000), seconded by Jan Brooks.  Mr. Pennarola recused himself from the vote due to a conflict of interest.  The purpose of the transfer is to level the budget.  They are budgeted $70,000 every other year and this will even it out to $35,000 each year to assist in budgeting.  This doesn’t present a deviation to money’s already spent.  10 voted for, none opposed, one recuse.



Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:56 PM